Paul Verlaine : Poèmes Saturniens - Fêtes Galantes - La Bonne Chanson - Sagesse - Jadis et Naguère - Parallèlement - Romances sans Paroles [7 VOLUME SET] [LIMITED EDITION - Exemplaire HC]  
  Avec un frontispice de Grau Sala, gravé sur bois en couleurs.  

Author Verlaine, Paul / Grau Sala, Emilio (Emi) [Illustrations]
Place of Publication Paris
Publication Name Fernand Hazan
Year 1946
Language(s) French
RARE LIMITED EDITION - EXEMPLAIRE HC. COMPLETE SEVEN VOLUME SET of beautifully printed poems by Paul Verlaine illustrated with color frontispiece by Emilio Grau Sala in each volume. [ALL VOLUMES]: 195x125mm. [91]+[41]+[45]+[116]+[137]+[110]+[53] pages. Softcover laid in folder and slipcase. B&w illustration of front cover. Transparent vellum dust-jacket. Pages rough-cut and uncut (as published). Slipcase hinges partly taped with scotch tape. Folder and slipcase spine yellowing and slightly stained. Folder hinges worn. [SUMMARY]: This extremely rare beautifully illustrated edition of Verlaine`s poetry is otherwise in good condition.
Please note
  • This book may take up to two business days to be retrieved from storage.
No longer available
Catalog Index Number V 1026 215

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