The Arabic Commentary of `Ali ben Suleiman the Karaite on the Book of Genesis.  
  Edited from unique manuscripts and provided with critical notes and an introduction by Solomon L. Skoss.  

Author Skoss, Solomon L. [Leon; Zalman Leib] [Intr.&Ed.] / [`Ali ben Suleiman the Karaite]
Place of Publication Philadelphia
Publication Name The Dropsie College for Hebrew and Cognate Learning
Year 1928
Language(s) Judeo-Arabic Arabic English
RARE critical edition of Judeo-Arabic Karaite commentary on Genesis with introduction by Solomon Skoss Leon (Zalman Leib; 1884-1953), an influential scholar of Arabic language, primarily devoted to Judeo-Arabic studies, who succeeded his teacher Benzion Halper at the University of Pennsylvania and at Dropsie College after the latter`s death in 1924. 235x150mm. VIII+213 pages. Softcover. Front cover slightly peeled. Cover edges and corners slightly worn. Spine taped, spine bottom edge peeling. Binding slightly visible between pages II-III. Few pages upper edge/corner slightly wrinkled. Pages bottom corner slightly bumped/wrinkled. Pages yellowing. [SUMMARY]: This extremely rare critical edition of an important medieval Karaite biblical commentary is otherwise in good condition.
No longer available
Catalog Index Number KG 15 131

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