El Códice de Profetas de el Cairo [8 VOLUME SET with PREFACE BOOKLET].  
  [VOL .I]: Josue-Jueces. [VOL.II]: Samuel. [VOL.III]: Reyes. [VOL.VI]: Isaias. [VOL.V]: Jeremias. [VOL.VI]: Ezequiel. [VOL.VII]: Profetas Menores. [VOL.VIII]: Indice Alfabetico se Sus Masoras.  

Author Castro, Federico Pérez
Place of Publication Madrid
Publication Name Instituto Arias Montano / CSIC
Year 1979
Language(s) Hebrew Spanish
EIGHT VOLUME SET with PREFACE BOOKLET. [ALL VOLUMES]: 280x190mm. [308] + [186] + [235] + [274] + [227] + [319] + [308] + [230] pages. Gilt Hardcover with dust jacket. Jacket yellowing and stained. JAcket edges and corners wrinkled. Cover corners and spine edges bumped. Inner cover age stained. Few pages slightly stained. Some page edges wrinkled. Pages yellowing. [PREFACE BOOKLET]: 280x190mm. 31 pages. Softcover. Cover stained, edges wrinkled. Pages yellowing. [SUMMARY]: Else all volumes and booklet in good condition.
No longer available
Catalog Index Number D 079 007

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