Der Judenstaat / "Traktat" über den Sabbat bei den Karäern von Samuel ben Moses Ha-Ma`arabi / Pseudo-Bachja "Kitab Maani al-Nafsz" [Ma`ani al-Nafs] ("Könyv a Lélek Lényegéröl") Czimü Müvének Psychologiája [THREE BOOKS BOUND IN ONE].  
  Versuch einer modernen Lösung der Judenfrage von Theodor Herzl. Sechste Auflage. / Nach einer Berliner Handschrift kritisch herausgegeben, ins Deutsche übertragen und mit Anmerkungen versehen von Dr. Nathan Weisz. / Adalék az Arab-Zsido ujplatonismus történetéhez irta Dr. Schlesinger Sámuel.  

Author Herzl, Theodor / Weisz, Nathan [Weiss] / Schlesinger, Sámuel
Place of Publication Köln a. Rhein / Pressburg / Budapest
Publication Name Jüdischer Verlag / Druck von Adolf Alkalay & Sohn / Az Athenaeum Irodalmi és Nyomdai R.-T. Nyomása
Year 1907 / 1911
Language(s) German Judeo-Arabic
THREE BOOKS BOUND TOGETHER. SIGNED BY NATHAN WEISZ AND SAMUEL SCHLESINGER WITH DEDICATION. This volume comprises Herzl`s "Der Judenstaat" ("The Jewish State"), a Neoplatonic work "On the Essence of the Soul" by Pseudo-Bahya (the name generally applied to the author of this Judeo-Arabic treatise that for some time was attributed to Bahya Ibn Paquda and was composed sometime between the mid-eleventh and mid-twelfth centuries), and a critical edition and German translation of a Judeo-Arabic Karaite treatise on the Sabbath. 225x155mm. [94]+[48]+[35]+[86] pages. Some pages upper corner creased. Quarter-cloth Hardcover. Cover and spine rubbed and slightly worn. Cover edges peeling. Cover corners and spine edges bumped and worn. Spine title sticker peeling. Previous owner`s name written on front inner cover. Few pages of the 2nd and 3rd titles slightly creased at top corner. Pages yellowing, some pages browning. [FIRST TITLE]: 2 stamps on title page. Binding slightly loose and visible between pages 2-3. [SECOND TITLE]: Ink notes near text on page 33. [SUMMARY]: This book, comprising one of the most important texts of early Zionism, an original Judeo-Arabic text with translation, and another medieval Jewish text,
No longer available
Catalog Index Number MS 14 96

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