Recueil des travaux rédigés en mémoire du Jubilé Scientifique de M. Daniel Chwolson [Daniil Abramovich;Avraamovich; Chwolsohn; Khvolson]  
  Professeur émérite à l`Université de St. Pétersbourg 1841-1896.  

Author Büchler, Adolf / Epstein, A.; de Günzburg, Baron David; Bacher, Wilhelm; Ginzburg, C. D.; Lemm, O.; Merx, A.; Turayev, B.; et al.
Place of Publication Berlin
Publication Name S. Calvary & Co., Editeurs
Year 1899
Language(s) English German French Russian
RARE Festschrift dedicated to the eminent Russian-Jewish orientalist Daniel Abramovich Chwolson (Chwolsohn; Khvolson 1819-1911). [CONTENTS]: Avant-propos. Zur Geschichte des Tempelcultus in Jerusalem, von Prof.Dr.A.Büchler / Bibliche Textkritik bei den Rabbinen, von A.Epstein / Le premier livre imprimé en hébreu par le Baron David de Günzburg / Beiträge zur semitischen Sagenvergleichung bei Moses Maimuni, von W.Bacher / On the relation of the so-called Codex Babylonicus of A.D.916 to the Eastern Recension of the Hebrew Text by C.D.Ginsburg / Zwei koptische Fragmente aus den Festbriefen des heiligen Athanasius, von O.v.Lemm / Psalm IX u. X und andres Maccabaeische, von A.Merx /. Geografia ibn-Saida - W.Bartold / Efiopskie orationes falsae i exorcismi - B.Turayev (last two studies are in Russian). 235x155mm. IV+267 pages. Black leather Hardcover with gilt lettering on spine. Front cover fore-edge rubbed/worn. Cover and spine rubbed. Rear cover scratched. Spine edges slightly bumped. Inner cover and title page age-stained. Pages yellowing. [SUMMARY]: This extremely rare collection of papers is otherwise in very good condition.
No longer available
Catalog Index Number MS 22 92

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