Der wohl anführende Mahler, welcher curiose Liebhaber lehret, wie Man sich zur Mahleren zubereiten / Neu entdeckte Lacquir-Kunst, oder gründliche Anweisung, wie man nicht nur unterschiedliche bißher geheim gehaltene kostbare Lacquen [TWO BOOKS BOUND TOGETHER].  
  Mit Oel-Farben umgehen, Gründe, Fürnisse und andere darzu nöthige Sachen verfertigen, die Gemählde geschickt auszieren, vergolden, versilbern, accurat lacquiren, und saubere Kupfferstiche ausarbeiten solle. Neue viel vermehrte und verbesserte Auflage / Insbesonderheit den so genannten Eisen- und raren weissen Lacque ohne grosse Mühe und Unkosten verfertigen.. nebst einem Anhange unterschiedlicher curieuser und nützlicher Kunst-Stücke.  

Author Cröker, Johann Melchior [Croeker] / Hrsg. von einem Curiosorum Experimentorum Amatore
Place of Publication Jena / Dresden
Publication Name bey Johann Rudolph Crökern / bey Johann Christoph Zimmermann und Johann Nicolay Gerlach
Year 1729 / 1724
Language(s) German
TWO RARE BOOKS BOUND TOGETHER: 18th-century comprehensive study book for painters and printmakers, with many b&w illustrations and frontispiece, and a guidebook for correct lacquer usage. Title printed in red and black. 175x110mm. [XVI+544] + [144] pages. Contemporary leather Hardcover. Text block edges dyed red. Cover worn, stained and creased. Cover and spine edges bumped. Cover upper corners and spine upper edge peeling. Small worm-mark on front inner cover. Worm-marks on rear inner cover. Endpapers coming loose from cover. Ink inscriptions on rear whitepage. Small ink inscription on title page bottom corner. Pages yellowing and wavy. [FIRST TITLE]: Binding partly loose between frontispiece and title page. Page 81/82 bottom edge slightly tattered. [SECOND TITLE]: Several small wormholes on some pages with minimal damage to few letters of the text. [SUMMARY]: These two extremely rare 18th-century guidebooks for painters and printmakers have sustained some damage over the years, but are still in good reading condition.
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  • Photographs of this book are available on demand.
Price $435.00
(Price does not include Shipping Costs!)
Catalog Index Number MA 16 16

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