Lexique des Termes Juridiques en Quatre Langues: Française [Français], Anglaise, Arabe et Italienne / Dictionary of Legal Terms in Four Languages [FRENCH, ENGLISH, ITALIAN & ARABIC] / Dizionario dei Termini Giuridici Quattro Lingue.  
  Traduction des termes juridiques du Droit Positif Contemporain et du Droit Islamique (Sharia) et leur usage legal / A translation in Arabic language of the terms of positive contemporary law & their legal uses in French, English, Italian and Arabic languages, and according to the Islamic law / Una traduzione in lingua Araba dei termini giuridici del diritto positivo attuale e del diritto Islamico (Sciaria) - Francese, Inglese, Italiano e Arabo.  

Author Mourad, Abdel Fattah [Murad, Abd El Fatah]
Place of Publication Alexandria, Egypt
Publication Name
Year ND
Language(s) English Arabic French Italian
RARE FRENCH-ENGLISH-ITALIAN-ARABIC-SHARIA DICTIONARY OF LEGAL TERMS. Includes terms of the Islamic Law (Sharia). Sens analitique et comparé des termes juridiques d`un usage courant dans les différentes langues Française, Anglaise, Italienne, Arabe, et dans le droit Islamique (Charia). 237x167mm. 863 pages. Illustrated Softcover. Cover slightly rubbed. Front cover bottom edge and corner worn. Spine and spine hinges slightly rubbed. Spine edges rubbed. Text block bottom edge dirty. Several pages bottom corner bumped/wrinkled. Several last pages fore edge slightly bumped and dirty. [SUMMARY]: This extremely rare multilingual French-English-Italian-Arabic dictionary of legal terms, including terms of the Islamic Law (Sharia), is otherwise in good condition.
No longer available
Catalog Index Number MS 30 04

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