The Mishle Shu`alim (Fox Fables) of Rabbi Berechiah Ha-Nakdan.  
  A Study in Comparative Folklore and Fable Lore.  

Author Schwarzbaum, Haim / [Berechiah ben Natronai Krespia ha-Nakdan; Berachya]
Place of Publication Kiron (Tel-Aviv)
Publication Name Institute for Jewish and Arab Foklore Research
Year 1979
Language(s) English
RARE comparative folkloristic commentary upon the largest corpus of Medieval Hebrew fables embodied in the famous fable collection "Mishle Shualim" (Fox Fables) by Rabbi Berechiah Ha-Nakdan (ben Natronai Krespia; Berachya) - an eminent 13th century Jewish exegete, ethical writer, grammarian, translator, poet, and philosopher, most famous for the present collection of fables and "Sefer Hahibbur" (The Book of Compilation). The author of the commentary was a major Israeli folklorist, known throughout the international folklore community as one of its` most erudite members. 230x165mm. LVI+659 pages. Softcover. Cover and spine rubbed and dirty. Rear cover upper corner creased/wrinkled. Bump/scratch-marks on rear cover bottom corner. Spine edges and hinges rubbed. Few pages upper corner slightly creased. [SUMMARY]: This extremely rare extensive commentary on one of the most important medieval Jewish literary texts is in good condition.
No longer available
Catalog Index Number MS 23 29

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