Ernst Cassirer im Kontext: Kulturphilosophie zwischen Metaphysik und Historismus.  

Author Rudolph, Enno
Place of Publication Tübingen
Publication Name Mohr Siebeck
Year 2003
Language(s) German
RARE monograph on the philosophy of Ernst Alfred Cassirer (1874-1945) explored in the light of philosophers who usually receive less attention in works on Cassirer`s thought, such as representatives of an older philosophical traditions - Plato, Nicholas of Cusa, Leibniz, Kant, Herder and Schleiermacher, and of later approaches to different philosophical disciplines, among them Wilhelm Dilthey, Charles S.Peirce, and Hans Blumenberg. In addition, the author also focuses on precisely those areas of Cassirer`s philosophy which Cassirer himself was not able to deal with in detail. 225x145mm. X+277 pages. Softcover. Cover upper corners rubbed. Spine and spine edges/hinges wrinkled. [SUMMARY]: This extremely rare monograph on the thought of one of the most influential 20th-century philosophers is in good condition.
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Price $90.00
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Catalog Index Number MA 26 02

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