Il Profeta Isaia: Volgarizzato e Commentato ad uso degl`Israeliti [IN HEBREW AND ITALIAN WITH HEBREW COMMENTARY]  

Author Luzzatto, Samuel Davide [Shadal] [Translation and Commentary]
Place of Publication Padova
Publication Name coi tipi di Antonio Bianchi
Year 1855-1867 [1855 / 1856 / 1863 / 1866]
Language(s) Hebrew Italian
RARE FIRST EDITION. Complete critical edition of the original Hebrew text of Book of Isaiah with Italian translation and commentary by the influential Italian Jewish scholar, poet, and a member of the Wissenschaft des Judentums movement Samuel David Luzzatto (1800-1865), also known by his Hebrew acronym, Shadal. Luzzatto was the first Jewish scholar to turn his attention to Syriac, considering a knowledge of this language of significant importance for the understanding of the Targum, and one of the first Jews who permitted themselves to emend the text of the Old Testament, many of his emendations meeting with the approval of biblical scholars of his day. He also rejected Simeon b. Yohai`s authorship of Zohar. Luzzattos`s edition and commentary of the Book of Isaiah was published in six parts between 1855 and 1866 (1855-56, 1863 & 1866), and in its entirety in 1867 - this copy includes all parts BOUND IN ONE VOLUME. 225x155mm. 648 pages. Beige cloth Hardcover with black lettering on spine. Cover and spine yellowing. Cover age-stained. Rear cover stained. Spine upper edge slightly wrinkled. Binding slightly visible between pages 240-241. Few pages upper corner wrinkled. Some pages slightly age-stained. Pages yellowing and slightly wavy. [SUMMARY]: This extremely rare first edition of one of the first critical editions and commentaries by an illustrious 19th-century Italian-Jewish scholar is in good condition.
No longer available
Catalog Index Number MS 29 04

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