Archives Israélites de France. Année 1854. - TOME XV [THIS VOLUME ONLY].  
  Revue Mensuelle Religieuse, Historique, Biographique, Bibliographique et Littéraire, par une société d`hommes de lettres, sous la direction de S. Cahen, traducteur de la Bible.  

Author Cahen, S. [Samuel] [Ed.]
Place of Publication Paris
Publication Name Aux bureaux des Archives Israélites de France
Year 1854
Language(s) French
RARE 15th VOLUME of all issues from the year 1854 of the influential French Jewish review, founded in 1840 by Samuel Cahen, author of a French translation of the Hebrew Bible. Among its first contributors were G. Weil (Ben-Levi), O. Terquem, Solomon Munk, Gerson Lévy, Rabbi M. Charleville, Ph. Luzzatto, Albert Cohn, A. Darmesteter, A. Widal, and E. Carmoly. 210x130mm. 722 pages. Cover and spine missing, but binding is still intact. Several library stamps throughout the pages. First page upper corner tattered and partly missing - no damage to text. Last page edge near spine tattered and partly missing (page contains advertisements for book sales and contents). About sixty last pages outer edge water-stained - NO damage to text. First 2 pages slightly creased in the middle. First few pages bottom corner wrinkled. Pages yellowing, some pages age-stained and/or dog-eared. [SUMMARY]: This extremely rare collection of all 1854 issues of one of the most important 19th century French Jewish periodicals has suffered some mostly external damage, but is still in good reading condition.
Please note
  • This book's cover is very worn, loose or missing. If you'd like, we can send this book to be rebound for an extra charge.
  • Photographs of this book are available on demand.
Price $70.00
(Price does not include Shipping Costs!)
Catalog Index Number MC 07 16

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