Études Islamologiques d`Ignaz Goldziher.  
  Traduction Analytiques par G.-H. Bousquet.  

Author Goldziher, Ignaz [Yitzhaq Yehuda; Ignác] / Bousquet, G.-H. [Georges-Henri] [Tr.]
Place of Publication Leiden
Publication Name E. J. Brill
Year 1962
Language(s) French
RARE French translation of 30 articles on Islam, Arabic language and literature by Ignác Goldziher (Yitzhaq Yehuda; Ignaz) (1850-1921), a Jewish-Hungarian scholar of Islam who along with the German Theodore Nöldeke and the Dutch Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje is considered the founder of modern Islamic studies in Europe. Translated by Georges-Henri Bousquet (1900-1978) - an eminent scholar of Islam, economist, political scientist and Professor of Law at the Law Faculty of the University of Algiers, where he specialized in the sociology of North Africa, also receiving claim for masterful translations of al-Ghazali, Ibn Khaldun and Khalil ibn Ishaq al-Jundi. 240x155mm. 133 pages. Softcover. Black lettering on front cover. Cover very slightly dirty. Rear cover corners slightly worn. Spine lumpy. Spine bottom edge bumped and slightly peeling. Few last pages bottom corner slightly wrinkled. [SUMMARY]: This extremely rare French translation of Ignaz Goldziher`s studies in Islamic culture is in good condition.
No longer available
Catalog Index Number MS 18 40

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