Travaux du IXe Congres International de Philosophie: Congres Descartes X-XII: La Valeur - Les Normes et la Realite [THESE VOLUMES ONLY] [THREE VOLUMES].  
  [SERIES]: Actualites Scientifiques et Industrielles - 539-541. [VOL.X]: I. Generalites - II. Valeur et Realite - III. Connaissance, action et valeur / [VOL.XI]: IV. Valeur et cosmologie - V. Normes logiques - VI. Normes morales et sociales; [VOL.XII]: VII. Normes juridiques - VIII. Normes esthetiques.  

Author Bayer, Raymond [Secretary General]
Place of Publication Paris
Publication Name Hermann et Cie, Editeurs
Year 1937
Language(s) English German French Italian
THREE VOLUME SET. VOLUMES X-XII ONLY. [ALL VOLUMES]: 255x170 mm. [192] + [140] + [130] pages. Softcover. Cover and spine yellowing and slightly stained. Cover corners and spine edges slightly wrinkled. Spine slightly wrinkled. Spine edges slightly worn. Few pages slightly stained - no damage to text. Pages yellowing. [VOL. X]: Front cover upper edge slightly torn. [VOL.XI]: Rear cover bottom edge slightly torn. Spine partly detached from few pages. [VOL.XII]: Few page edges slightly worn. [SUMMARY]: Else all volumes in good condition.
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Price $65.00
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Catalog Index Number AR 319 001

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